Bài đăng

Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 8, 2019

the practice of making

TLDR: ‘Duplicate content ‘  is NOT mentioned ** once **  in the recently published  Search Quality Raters Guidelines . ‘Copied content’,  is . Semantics aside,  duplicate content  is evidently treated differently by Google than  copied content, with the difference being the INTENT and nature of the duplicated text. Duplicated content  is often not manipulative and is commonplace on many websites and often free from malicious intent.  Copied content  can often be penalised algorithmically or manually. Duplicate  content is not penalised, but this is often not an optimal set-up for pages, either. Be VERY careful ‘spinning’ ‘copied’ text to make it unique! Google clearly says that the practice of making your text more ‘unique’, using low-quality techniques like adding synonyms and related words is: QUOTE : “probably more counter productive than actually helping your website”  John Mueller, Google If you need...